Thursday, January 15, 2009

Under the knife

Sis goes under the knife this hour at VGH. They will remove her ovaries, her uterus and many other parts as well as the grapefruit-sized tumour. I am not sure how to support her or what exactly I am even feeling at the moment. I am worried but not in a knot, I suppose because I have never had maltreatment in hospital. I will at least know how much they have removed by this afternoon or evening but I probably won't get to speak to her.

I have been having my own internal problems for the past month or so. Hardly anything has digested properly and I have lost a few hours of sleep each week from cramps. I am holding it together with anti-diarrhea pills (which sometimes cause the cramps) and by eating less. I have decided to cut out my beloved coffee and eat primarily bread and plain yogurt for a couple days to see if my situation improves. Yesterday, coming off coffee and still recovering from my head cold made the day a real chore.

Later today the sun is expected to return. I look forward to seeing it tomorrow morning as I walk to work. Without the cloud cover I will be able to appreciate that the days are getting longer and that will put me in a better mood.


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