Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ssssnake returns

Shehzad left Thursday, left the futon bed down, the blinds closed and a small note saying he had to make a long distance call on my phone with no money to compensate. No big deal; nothing that worries me but he won't get a reference from me.

Danzante & Gerry invited me for dinner last night. Ssssnake and Wallowa were up from Portland to collect Ssssnake's belongings. His application with Immigration Canada had been rejected late last year and he has been living at Wallowa's since then. I spent half of Thursday evening making a kitten night light for him.

I went to Gerry & Danzante's right from work. Gerry picked me up at the Skytrain station and we enjoyed another of Danzante's innovative and tasty meals: braised lettuce, vegan pizza and baked fruit on skewers. I got to see their renovated den which I have heard so much about. It looks great but still has a third of the way to go to completion. Foxtail and Rainbow Strongheart were also there and Rainbow drove me home across town afterwards. He leaves for Palm Springs for 16 days today.

PHOTO 1: First snow bells of spring, Burrard Skytrain station
PHOTO 2: Ssssnake's Kitten night light
PHOTO 3: Foxtail, Ssssnake & Danzante

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