Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ides of February

I must be too tired, though I don't feel exhausted. Yesterday I went to the bank and almost panicked when I saw how little was in my account, thinking that it was payday (which was today) and I also left my backpack at work, which I never do.

I have a new couch surfer, Shehzad, a gay fellow from Montreal. He arrived in town yesterday morning but was hanging out with extended family so he put off showing up at my place until 9. He had been up almost 24 hrs by then. He's off to Seattle tomorrow to present part of his Master's thesis on the cultural reflections of the partition of India after 1947. He brought me a dozen Montreal bagels (no ordinary bagels) which I have frozen for later. He's out tonight so I'm not sure I'll talk with him again before he leaves, not that we talked much last night.

Our union contract was finally ratified and back pay will be processed soon. A colleague reminded me that I worked a ton of overtime in late 2007, which means my back pay will be much greater than what others get. I had totally forgotten this, which, coupled with the realization that I panicked about my bank account unnecessarily yesterday, put me in a pretty good mood today.

Obama is making his first international visit as US President tomorrow, when he arrives in Ottawa for a brief 5 hr stay. He could have milked his huge popularity north of the border for more flattering publicity, but it seems he is focused on getting work done instead. No party animal here, I suppose, which does nothing to diminish his present halo. His motto seems to be "Focus on results, not image!"

PHOTO: Shehzad

"Dwell in possibility," - Emily Dickenson


Awen said...

Are you able to use Couchsurfing? I'm trying to access PMs and post to groups since yesterday afternoon, to no avail. I hate server errors x-(

Highway's End said...

I have had no problems with couch surfing and certainly have been receiving lots of other people's postings. Good to hear from you!