Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Long hours

I've been leading a quiet life, coming home every evening to rewrite sections of my novel. It is expanding from the middle as I revise it, adding more details to give it more colour and to help it flow better. Of the 344 pages I have written I am now on page 270, I think.

It isn't easy, really. The normal call volume at work has swollen to 40% above normal, which leaves me rather depleted at the end of the day. I have started to go to bed earlier to maximize my rest and I stop writing an hour before bed so my mind isn't still spinning. I am doing my best to get as much done at the start of the month because I may be asked to work longer hours at work as the tax season heats up. Our busiest two weeks of the year are the first half of March.

Fortunately, I have few distractions. My writers' group canceled our last meeting with no more meetings scheduled before the end of the month. My friends must be busy too. The only phone calls I have been receiving are from telemarketers without ethics or dignity who, like investment bankers, Republicans and the president of my condo's strata council, will all burn in Hell some day.

"Work is love made visible." - Kahlil Gilbran

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