Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Freeze Out - Day 10

I didn't make it up to the Sunshine Coast with my Faerie friends on the weekend for fear that the snowfall on Saturday night/Sunday morning would prevent me from getting home for Monday morning. I didn't want to call in to work long distance saying that I couldn't make it in.

I've been house bound since then, except for a one block -13C trip up to my favourite breakfast diner Saturday morning. The snow started late Saturday evening and continued through Sunday. Monday the skies were clear but there were more than 15 cm of snow with snowbanks half a metre high where the plows had been. The sidewalks looked mostly clear so checked it out when I took out the garbage. It was worse than it looked with cars throwing up large sprays of slush onto pedestrians and sidewalk ramps at intersections being blocked by snowbanks left by the plows. I went out the back to take out the garbage and it was a total mess there too.

But the snow was melting and there were rivulets of water everywhere. I was hoping to get to work today. I dressed, make my lunch and left full of determination but I couldn't even leave the property. The front steps are sheet ice. The part I use where there is something to hold onto on both sides has been used to pile 60 cm of snow, now frozen solid, and the courtyard which had melted into a small pond is now a skating rink.

I'm really sick of staying home. I have busied myself making a stained glass calla lily box and I have started a sun catcher (window hanging) of a calla lily too. I have no idea how upset my Team Leader is over my repeated absence from work. I leave messages. I have taken these photos too.

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