Monday, May 25, 2009

An ugly guest, a beautiful stranger

I really need to choose my guests more carefully. For the past 12 days I have had a friend visiting from the Rockies, who stayed with me most of May last year too. It went well then. We made several meals together and hung out together.

This year he seems to prefer alcohol to food. He came home stinking drunk last night, barely able to walk. (I know we have all done it before but not all of us do it when staying with someone else.) I advised him to drink some water but he plunked himself down at the dining room table and opened another beer instead. He was so drunk he had trouble drinking it. Next thing I knew his head was hanging and his eyes shut.

I left his sitting there, after removing anything breakable or spillable from the table, and I went to bed. Half an hour later I heard a crash and found him passed out on the dining room floor with half the tablecloth pulled off. Nothing was broken but he was sound asleep. I returned to bed. A couple hours later he woke up (if you could call it that) and stumbled into the bedroom. He spent half an hour trying to remove his shoes and clothes. When he finally rolled under the covers he stunk so bad that I almost left to sleep on the couch, but I was too tired.

My place was a horrible mess in the morning, a state that has been worsening for a few days as he also expects me to do all the cleaning. I was in no mood to deal with him or the mess so I strolled up Davie and had breakfast at Mary's Diner. Just after I was seated a handsome blond entered, caught my eye and asked me if he could join me. His name was Shane. I assumed he was hitting on me but that wasn't the case. He was meeting a prospective bf later that day to go to Wreck Beach. I wouldn't have minded an ego-boosting pass but he was great company and an unexpected blessing.

When I got home my guest was up and claimed he didn't have a hangover. The place stunk of alcohol still, even though he had showered. As soon as he left I did two loads of laundry, straightened and cleaned the place. I felt better. I repaired a lamp for a client and did more research for my Utah trip. I am getting tired of seeing pictures of Utah, as beautiful as they are. Today I am still on holiday and I plan to focus on getting to know my camera instead.

1 comment:

Awen said...

I hope you left him an appropriate reference on his profile!!

It's outrageous the way some ppl behave...