Monday, April 6, 2009


This winter has been a severe case of sexual repression. Our temperatures have been consistently below normal for months, often significantly so. Allergy season was a breeze (a cold breeze). I managed it up to the date it normally ends, March 25, without taking a single allergy pill. I attributed it to my sister's holistic food allergy treatment, which she said would have a side effect of lessening my other non-food allergies such as pollen.

Then Saturday the spring caught up to us with the first three days of warm, sunny weather and every plant in the city went into orgy mode. Today, the worst day so far, has been off-and-on horrible with uncontrollable sneezing fits, itchy eyes and, and and and...... runny noses. Three allergy pills have done nothing but make me dopier. Sis will come by with pollen samples to test and treat me on Thursday,if I don't blow my mind out by then.

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