Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rug burns

I have rug burns on the right side of my forehead. Either I look like I am a gay bashing victim or that I got carried away at the last sex party. (No doubt they have figured out my favourite position.)

Although, it is neither as dramatic or poetic as all that. I let my guard down, scuffed my left foot and fell forward, just a few feet from my end destination, on my way into work. My weak arms did not stop my face from hitting the carpet. (Ouch!!) Wearing my baseball cap hides most of it....

So, my 3 1/2 month stretch without a fall comes to an end. My 10-fall-average got up to 104 days. Not bad, but disappointing all the same. It was extremely hard to get up this time, so I do my very best not to fall again anytime soon. But maybe the stress from the heavy call volumes at work and the effect of the new diet are weakening me, and maybe the next fall will be sooner instead of later. Stay tuned....

"Life is full of misery, loneliness and suffering… and it’s over much too soon." - Woody Allen

1 comment:

Marcel said...

Oh, I'm sorry for u, Kenneth!
I hope u're okay now!
I think maybe this diet would make you weaker this month!
If I were u, I would consult another doctor to check if this cannot affect your muscles and stuff!
Take care!