Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yesterday several of my Facebook "friends" received a spam message, which may also have been a virus, saying how a certain "Anthony" had made big profits using a certain website or software program. They were all too wise to open it so it did no one any damage but I was upset that Facebook security is so lax. Tonight I deactivated my account and do not intend to re-activate it anytime soon.

It does solve certain problems that concerned me beforehand. I was once thrilled that I could find long lost friends and ex's through their search engine, but once they agreed to be my "friends", not one of them indicated any interest in my life or responded to emails from me asking what is going on in their lives. Also, I was still a Facebook "friend" with another guy who used to be close a year ago but who no longer answers emails or contacts me when passing through town. He regularly posts on Facebook so I am aware that he has been in my vicinity many times in the past few months, and each visit to my area is like adding another snub to my already bruised feelings. I considered deleting him as a "friend" but that seemed too retaliatory and too permanent. Now all of them have been deleted. Most of them know my home e-mail address but I bet anything that they will never contact me again, and that will be fine with me. No friend like a bad one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often feel the same way. I don't actively search for people onm FaceBook they find me - then ignore me. It goes both ways I guess I - life is busy and I don;t always have the time to stay in touch. But every once in a while - I check out the favourites menu on IE and get caught up. Quietly lurking, you could say.