Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's amazing how dependent on my friends I am. I haven't seen any of them for a week, since Eric & Fred came over last Sunday. Normally on Sundays between 11 and 1, I go to Faerie Coffee to meet several of them, but now Faerie Coffee is suspended and will likely relocate to another part of the city to make it more accessible to other Faes. It has replaced with a big emptiness, fitting for such a grey, wet day.

There was a long line-up at Joe's Diner today. This morning was the Sun Run around Stanley Park and the West End, one of the most popular annual events in Vancouver. I had forgotten. The restaurant was filled with lanky runner types and their friends who came to cheer them on or celebrate over brunch with them afterwards. It took a long time to get a seat and another long wait to get my food. I could have made breakfast at home but I needed to get out and be around other people, even in the line-up, although I didn't talk with anyone.

Now I am at home wondering how I will fill the rest of my day. I need something to motivate me and take my mind off my isolation.I am considering a new stained glass project, either Yves' bamboo window for his bedroom door, a dragonfly sun-catcher for Stitch or perhaps a new design for myself, an autumn tree in a wind storm, although I have no place to hang it.

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