Monday, February 1, 2010

Cherry blossoms

The cherry blossoms have started blooming as of two days ago, January 30. I don't even remember seeing them bloom in February before and last year they didn't come out until mid-March. I have this vision of the city all in bloom--daffodils, crocuses, snow drops, lily-of-the-valley-- and things seeming as spring-like as possible during the Olympics. I wonder if this means my allergies will be coming out soon. No itchy eyes or sneezing yet.

I had to remind the bus driver this morning that his route had changed. For some unspoken reason, the Davie bus has been rerouted onto Hastings St, shortening its route a block in each direction, while all other buses that normally stop behind Harbour Centre continue to do so.

There was an article on the CBC website today that 1000 security cameras has begun spying on the populace already. Like the flowers, they're blooming early.

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