Sunday, July 20, 2008


I finished my window "Stepping Out" this morning. On Sundays I usually meet the local Chapter of the Radical Faeries at a local coffee shop. I brought my camera which had the photo of the window still on it. It got rave reviews or at least lots of laughs. My 18-yr-old nephew paid me a visit today. He brought a buddy along. Before they arrived I hummed and hawed wondering if I should leave it in the sunshine of the window sill or hide it in my studio. In the end I left it in plain view and they loved it. Kids these days are so cool. His buddy, who had never met me before, and who has always had a very sheltered life, just loved it and wanted to photograph it. Something to tell his girlfriend I guess. :o) I suppose if one is going to be a gay uncle he has an obligation to be outrageous, or what's the point?

So I'm auctioning it off at the Radical Faerie gathering in Oregon next month. Any guesses on what bid it might fetch? I am thinking of doing a series of these, penis action figures. It could be all the new rage!

1 comment:

Awen said...

Awesome. Penises in several costumes, for all occasions! ;)